Types of Morphine Addiction Treatment

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While most individuals respond well to morphine addiction treatment programs offered on an outpatient basis, it may be suitable for some individuals to receive long-term care in an inpatient or residential facility.

The settings, programs, amenities, and levels of care may differ, but, all morphine addiction treatment programs have the same goals in mind, which according to the NIDA, “must help the individual stop using drugs, maintain a drug-free lifestyle, and achieve productive functioning in the family, at work, and in society.”


Getting the drugs out of the person’s system is the first step and safety, education, and support are critical because morphine withdrawal causes painful and unpleasant symptoms that require access to appropriate medical services, including the possibility of a short-term inpatient stay while being stabilized.

Types of morphine addiction detox treatments include:

  • Natural detox – Provides support, nutrition, and hydration without extensive medication use.
  • Rapid detox – Uses an antagonist medication such as Naloxone to precipitate withdrawals under various sedation measures. Rapid detox under anesthesia is not recommended as a first choice detox treatment because of the risks.
  • Detox with methadone or buprenorphine – Theses medications are most appreciated for reducing the intense cravings and withdrawals while the morphine tolerance is decreased. The choice to use them through an initial stabilization period and gradually taper doses over a period of time is based on person goals and treatment planning. Short-term detox with methadone can be extended up to 6 months.

Medication Maintenance Treatments

Medication maintenance treatment for morphine addiction uses methadone and buprenorphine for as long as the person needs the extra support to remain free from illicit opioid use.

Treatment compliance, drug monitoring, medical services, and psychosocial services support the individual needs and goals based on individualized treatment plans. These types of morphine addiction treatments have high success rates for those who continue to be at a greater of risk of relapse to morphine, helping them to improve their quality of life.


morphine addiction treatment

Behavioral therapy is a common method of Morphine addiction treatment.

Counseling helps to focus on goals and needs, providing education, structured guidance, feedback, and support through the rehabilitation phase. Types of counseling session may be for the individual, family or couples, and commonly, group sessions.

Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapies help patients identify problematic areas in their lives that need to be changed to promote long-term recovery. They provide the skills and motivations that improve relationships, social functioning abilities as well as the strategies the morphine addict need to cope with their addiction and prevent relapse.

Types of morphine addiction behavioral therapies may include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Teaches relapse prevention and coping strategies through awareness and cognitive restructuring that replaces negative thoughts, emotions, and reactions to more positive ones.
  • Contingency Management – Uses rewards to reinforcement positive behaviors such as clean urinalysis or the achievement of treatment goals.

12-Step and Self-Help Groups

12-Step meetings, like A.A. are highly advocated for long-term recovery efforts through the building of positive support networks.

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