Loyola Recovery Foundation, Inc.
in Albany, New York

Loyola Recovery Foundation, Inc.
113 Holland Avenue, 7th Floor, Wing D
Albany, NY 12208 518-689-3094
Albany, NY 12208 518-689-3094
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Supportive tools for making better life choices.
Call NOW to speak with a opiate drug rehab counselor:
800-442-6158Supportive tools for making better life choices.
Call NOW to speak with a opiate drug rehab counselor:
Our online database of opiate addiction treatment centers in Albany, New York features many alternatives to help you break free from addiction. For help finding treatment, call us toll-free at 800-442-6158. Who Answers?

St. John’s Episcopal Hospital South Shore Division
327 Beach 19th St.Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Learn more

Addiction Research and Treatment Corporation Fort Greene Clinic
937 Fulton St.Brooklyn, NY 11238 Learn more
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