How Opiate Addiction Can Affect Your Life
Opiate addiction is a chronic illness that will affect your life in several different ways. Opiate addiction plagues the lives of millions of American each year resulting in thousands of deaths from opiate overdoses. In addition, opiate addiction has continued to increase throughout the years and aside from alcohol, is the number one drug addiction that people seek out help for through treatment programs.
According to the National Alliance of Mental Health, people who are abusing opiates or have formed an addiction to opiates will experience numerous problems in their life from their opiate abuse. Individuals who are addicted to opiates tend to get injured or sick more often, or tend to get arrested due to their drug usage. Moreover, people who abuse opiates tend to experience problems with work or school, which can lead to financial and academic loss.
Opiate addiction usually goes hand in hand with opiate abuse and opiate dependency, which will result in your physical health being harmed as well as your mental health due to the effects of the drug on your body. If you continue to abuse opiates you can have permanent organ damage and you can eventually lead yourself to overdose on the drug, which can cause your heart to stop beating and your respiratory system to stop working.
Opiate addiction can also cause you to act in ways that you never did before, such as stopping communication with close friends and family, and not caring about work or paying your bills. When you do decide to stop taking opiates you may fear going through the withdrawal symptoms, and in order to ensure that you have a safe detox you may want to consider getting help form an opiate rehab.
What Happens in Opiate Rehab?

A rehab center for opiate addiction can help you get healthy!
When you first get admitted to opiate rehab, you will no longer be able to use opiates. You will immediately begin you detox with medical supervision and the help from medications, such as methadone, if you have decided to use medication treatment to help you with the withdrawals.
The physical withdrawal symptoms from opiates can be a bit painful and difficult to go through, but they are usually gone within the first week of your detox. After you have gone through the physical withdrawals from the drug, you will begin to work on the psychological withdrawals and any emotional issues that may have that led you to start using opiates.
The psychological withdrawals can last for a while and they need to be addressed and worked through, being that the psychological withdrawal symptoms are typically what causes people to relapse. The psychological withdrawals are typically addressed through therapy at the opiate rehab.
At an opiate rehab you can expect to have a full group of people ready to assist and support you through your hard times, as well as a group of professionals who will help you get through the physical and mental withdrawal symptoms with as little stress as possible.