How Opiate Addiction Affects a User
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, opiates include drugs like morphine, heroin, and prescription painkillers such as, Fentanyl, Vicodin and OxyContin. Opiates act on specific receptors in a user’s brain, which then interrelate with substances known as enkephalins or endorphins. Endorphins and enkephalins are important in regulating emotion and pain in a person’s body.
When people abuse opiates they experience a euphoric sensation throughout their body and they will feel sedated and emotionless while using the drug. Because of these effects many people continue to abuse opiates and form addictions to them. When a person forms an addiction to an opiate drug they will find it difficult to think about anything else but using the drug and they will continually seek out and abuse the drug.
Opiate addiction is a disease that requires treatment for most people to overcome. Opiate addiction will cause a user to have various complications in their physical health, and it will negatively impact their behavior. Most people who abuse opiates will lose interests in their friends and family and will suffer from financial loss due to the cost of supporting their addiction. Long term opiate abuse can lead to organ failure and can cause respiratory problems.
Finding Help for Opiate Addiction

Getting help for your addiction can be life-saving.
Opiate addiction treatment programs are located all throughout the country because opiate addiction has become an economic problem. Heroin alone results in the spread of infectious diseases and causes numerous users to overdose every year.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2011, over four million people in America had used heroin at least once in their lifetime, and a fourth of people who have tried heroin became addicted to it.
There are opiate addiction treatment programs that are offered to people free of charge and there are treatment programs that will work with people on payment. Some insurance companies even cover some of the cost for opiate addiction treatment and Narcotics Anonymous groups are also located all throughout the country for people to join after they have sobered up from using opiates.
There are numerous treatment options a person can choose from when deciding to stop using opiates and there are many types of rehabs available to people, such as religious rehabs, gender based rehabs, methadone clinics, and inpatient and outpatient rehabs. A person should decide on what type of treatment program they wish to use and then research the programs available in their area to help them get through their opiate detox and to help remain living a life free from opiates.