There is a serious issue in the United States––and all around the world––with the misuse of prescription opioids by those who were not prescribed the drug in the first place. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, people often “obtain narcotics from… medicine cabinets, pharmacies, nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, doctors, and the Internet.” One of the most common of these issues, though, is when a person takes or is given someone else’s prescription and abuses it to get high.
Why is Taking Someone Else’s Opioid Medication Dangerous?
This action is dangerous for many different reasons. While taking any prescription drug that has not been specifically prescribed to you is serious, the misuse of prescription opioids can lead to:
- Severe physical and psychological side effects
- Dependence
- Painful withdrawal symptoms
- Tolerance
- Addiction
- Professional and personal issues, some of which cannot be rectified, including losing one’s job, relationship problems, getting arrested, etc.
- Overdose that may include severe respiratory depression, permanent brain and lung damage, and even death
If you believe you need the medication in order to feel good, then you may require addiction treatment.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Unaware of the dangers of sharing medications, people often unknowingly contribute to this form of abuse by sharing their unused pain relievers with their family members.” Prescription opioids are highly addictive and can create problems for those who are not meant to take them at any dosage and especially those who abuse them at high doses.
Do I Need Help?
If you have been abusing someone’s pain medication for several weeks, months, or longer, you will definitely require addiction treatment. Answer the questions below as well to discover whether or not you may be in need of addiction treatment for your opioid drug abuse:
- Do I take someone else’s prescription every day?
- Do I feel that I need it in order to feel good?
- Do I need the medication to get out of bed in the morning or fall asleep at night?
- Have I noticed the things that used to matter to me no longer interest me?
- Have I done something dangerous, illegal, or hurtful in order to obtain more of the medication (steal from my loved ones, forge prescriptions, etc.)?
- Do I constantly think about getting high off someone else’s prescription?
- Have I noticed major problems in my daily life that stem from my prescription opioid abuse?
- Despite these problems, am I still unwilling or unable to stop?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you likely will require help in order to stop abusing opioids and get back to your normal life. Whether you were taking the medication to treat pain without a doctor’s help or to experience the euphoric effects caused by the drug, you are in danger of becoming addicted to it and experiencing severe side effects. This is because opioids are never meant to be taken without a doctor’s prescription.
What are the Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse in Young People?
Seek Addiction Treatment for Prescription Opioid Abuse
It is never too early or too late to seek treatment. Call 800-442-6158 Who Answers? today to find rehab programs in your area. We can also answer any other questions you may have about prescription opioid abuse and the dangers it causes.